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10 November 2014
L. Hervieu Paléographie

Transcript service

English français

A transcription service kept of all your records.

  • You are an individual and you have found ancient manuscripts of the public record or you have yourself in your family archive of old contracts and other ancient writings (letters, notarized contracts from the Middle Ages to the 18th century parish registers) that you do not read ?
  • You are a student of history, geography or sociology, you are simply passionate historian or local history, you want to analyze the contents of old contracts but do not have time to learn the basics in paleography to decipher the ancient writings ?
  • You are a professional genealogist and you want to outsource the transcription stage ?

Upon providing a copy of your document (high resolution photograph or scanned image) I convey to you after confirmation of a quote from a very neat full transcript of your paper work, respecting the original spelling and integrating an explanation of ancients terms used in the former recorded document.

Extracted from an ancient document 07/24/1552 (dep. arch. of the Manche) :

JPEG - 592.2 kb
Exemple de transcription à réaliser : un partage en 1552

And transcript provided :

Le XXIIIIe jour de juillet l’an mil Vct LII a Sainct Germain [des Vaulx],
ceste partie est demeuree par non choys audict Guillaume
aprés que ledict Collas eult chouessy la tierche
partye en segond choys. Presens noble homme Guillaume de
Seurtainville, sieur d’Omonville la Rogue, et missire Guillaume
le Couvey, prebtre, de Sainct Germain des Vaulx.
[Signatures :] "Leparmentier".

Transcription L. Hervieu - 2012 (according to the rules for texts dated before 1580).

You want to offer the transcript and you want a quality paper and neat layout including possibly the original parallel the old act ?
I offer optional quality printing on a suitable support (on request).

Transcription and neat impression :

JPEG - 807.3 kb
Exemple de transcription imprimée sur fond parchemin : un partage en 1552

Rates for transcription jobs 01/09/2022 :

  • 35 € (Français) per hour (prior estimate with an estimate of time spent after sending the image) for a cloud (e-mail) transmission of the transcript text and pdf format. Price options off base after 01/09/2022.
  • On demand: all options type explanation of the old terms; explanation of the purpose of the contract; summary of the act.
  • 40 € per hour (Latin, Italien, Anglais, Allemand) per hour (prior estimate with an estimate of time spent after sending the image) for a cloud (e-mail) transmission of the transcript text and pdf format. Price options off base after 01/09/2022.
  • Traduction latin / french, etc. : 40 € per hour.

A free estimate will be provided upon receipt of your images.

Contact, quote (with sending your documents in high quality) : Laurence Hervieu.


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